Interview With The IAPLC 2012 Silver Prize Winner - Song Pin Chen
作品名稱:森之印象(Forest Impression)水族缸尺寸:105x60x60 cm
問: 你是怎麼獲得靈感創作這個造景的? 答: 我是看了很多的風景照片,在裡面發現許多相同的樹林構圖,所創造出來的。 Q: How did you get inspired to create this scape? A: I viewed lots of scenic pictures, many of them were composed of woods, which inspired me for my creation. |
問: 你為何會選這個標題?目的是什麼? 答: 由於我的造景是模仿森林的景觀,所以才會用「森之映象」這個標題。 Q: Why did you choose this name? what was the purpose? A: Because I intended to imitate the landscape of a forest, therefore I titled my aquascape "Forest Impression". |
問: 可以告訴我們你對於赤玉土的使用經驗嗎? 答: 赤玉土我已經用了 3 次做我比賽作品的素材,但由於我大約用一年就翻缸,所以只能以我個人使用上與大家分享。第一,最大優點是省錢,每包 10 公斤約台幣 250-300 元。第二,我使用之前都會用篩子過篩,先把粉碎的赤玉土分離,所以崩解的程度不會很嚴重,跟以前使用黑土情形差不多,很令我滿意。第三,:對水質的影響,我沒有精密的測量工具,但是就使用經驗上來看,降酸能力應該不強,CO2 一關起來 pH 值就提高,但是好像也不會提高水質硬度,初設缸後,水色也可以很快的變清澈。第四,舊的赤玉土可以拿去種盆景,環保又好用。 缺點: 赤玉土不含肥性,跟黑土不同,所以在施肥上就要多花心思。我在種植水草時,常發生許多需要由根吸收養分的水草,生長狀態並不好,如後景的水草,就必須另外添加根肥來維持健康的狀態。同時在液肥的添加也是要多費心,過多,很容易長藻;過少,許多水草的葉形與顏色就容易不健康。 我個人建議: 赤玉土是可以種水草,但是要把水草種得更漂亮健康,需要一些經驗與平時的觀察與維護。若是新手,沒有種植水草經驗的人,第一次還是用黑土,簡單又方便、好維護。把水草種活了,也學會觀察水草的外型與生長條件,再來使用赤玉土,比較不容易失敗,對種水草也會更有興趣,也玩得比較久。 Q: Could you tell us about your experience on using Akadama as substrate? A: I have used Akadama as substrates for 3 times in my entries. Because I tore down the tank in about one year, so my experiences were limited, but I would like to share them with the readers. Firstly, Akadama is very cheap, each 10 Kg bag costs only 250-300 NTD (less than 10 USD) in Taiwan. Secondly, I used kitchen sieve to rinse the Akadama, and the rinsed Akadama was hard to crumble, just like Aqua Soil, and I was satisfied with the results. Thirdly, the effects on water chemistry. I did not have expensive test kits, but I found that Akadama was not good at lowering pH, when the injection of CO2 stopped, the pH raised dramatically. However GH seemed not to rise. The water in the tank became crystal clear quickly after setup. Fourthly, the used Akadama might be used in bosai, and was environment friendly. Disadvantages: Akadama, unlike Aqua Soil, is a nutrient poor soil, so we have to consider thoroughly on fertilizing. Many of the plants I have ever grown uptake their nutrients mainly from the roots, I have to use root fertilizers to keep plants healthy, especially the plants on the back ground. Meanwhile, care must be taken when dosing the water column. To much fertilizer would cause the algae issue, while too little would be hard to keep plants healthy. My advice: Akadama could be used as the substrate, but you have to be experienced and it needs regular maintenance to keep plants healthy. Aqua Soil would be a better option for the newbies to grow their plants. When you have learned how to grow plants and have gained the knowledge of the plants, you may try to use Akadama as the substrate, then you will not get easily frustrated. The passion for aquarium plants will thus keep on. |
問: 你是用哪些技術來分布並固定各種硬體的? 答: 大部分用棉繩來綁水草,少部分水草用 3 秒膠來黏在石頭上。 Q: Which techniques did you use to make the distribution and fixation of every kind of solids? A: Most of the plants were tied with cotton threads, some were fixed on the rocks with super glue gel. |
問: 在設缸之前你有準備任何方式的草稿或繪圖嗎? 答: 有的,我會事先畫好草圖,再用電腦試著模擬水草的位置。 Q: Have you prepared any kind of draft or drawing previous to set-up? A: Yes, I did a sketch first, then I used an image editor to help me arrange the plants. |
問: 為了安置硬體和水草,你是否遵循著先前研究過的比例,或者在造景時只是很即興或隨著自己的直覺? 答: 我大部分會按照先前規劃的草圖與比例來布置硬體與水草,因為我的美學天分與空間感不足。並不是專業的設計師,所以事先的規畫對我來說是很重要的。 Q: To arrange the distribution of solids and plants, are you following any kind of previously studied proportion or simply you improvised as you work on the scape or followed your intuition? A: Generally I would follow the planed sketches and ratios to arrange the hardscapes and the plants, because I was not good at aesthetics and spacial perception and processing. I was not a professional designer, so planning was essential to me. |
問: 你在設缸的前幾週如何添加營養? 答: 剛設缸時,我通常不會添加任何營養,我會觀察水草的狀態後再來添加,添加的時間與用量,並沒有固定。我都使用自己調配 NPK 液肥,讓我省下很多錢。 Q: How do you add nutrients in the first weeks of set-up? A: I did not add any nutrients at the beginning. I would observe the growth of the plants and decided the timing and dosage for the nutrients, not on a regular basis. I dosed with a DIY NPK solution, it saved me a lot of money. |
問: 你會測量哪些水質? 答: pH、KH 和 GH。 Q: With wich parameters of water do you like to work? A: I tested pH, KH and GH. |
問: 你在水族缸的照明如何? 答: 我這次用了 3 盞燈來照明,T8:40w*2 有兩盞,T5:39w*2有一盞,每天 8 小時。 Q: How much light did you put on the aquarium? A: I used 4xT8 40W and 2xT5 39W, daily for 8 hours. |
問: 你這個設缸為何會選擇這些動物? 答: 我這次主角特別挑選紅蓮燈,想利用他身上的紅色與藍色,讓全部是綠色的水草中更凸出。 Q: Why you choose this fauna for this set-up? A: The main critter in this aquascape was Paracheirodon simulans, the shining red and blue colors looked striking among the green plants. |
問: 你遇過藻類嗎?你認為為何會發生? 答: 我有剛毛藻,可能是買進新水草時夾帶進入的。而且藻類也是生態的一部分,只要不會破壞水草的生長與造景美觀,我認為都是正常的。 Q: Did you get any algae in any moment? Why you think it happened? How did you eliminate it? A: The only algae that I experienced with this aquascape was Chladophora, it probably came along with the plants at the set-up. Algae belong to parts the ecosystem, I would accept them, if only they are not growing on the plants and annoying the layouts. |
2008 IAPLC # 58。
問: 你在第一次進行修剪時,有任何的偏好作法嗎? 答: 我並沒有特別做法,我依照當時所規劃的草圖,將長太多的部分來修剪。 Q: Do you have any preference for the first “pruning”? A: Not really. I trimmed the plants according to the planned sketches. |
問: 你如何修剪水草? 答: 今年我特別購買一隻ADA的波浪剪刀,省力與準確,對我在修剪 細微的莫斯很有幫助。 Q: How you do the pruning? A: I bought a Pro-Scissors Wave of ADA goods this year. It helped me a lot at detailed trimming, especially for pruning Java moss. |
2009 IAPLC # 32。
問: 你覺得這個水族造景最困難的工作是甚麼? 答: 找尋不同粗細的木頭素材是最困難的,因我已經規劃好構圖,但是很難找到適合的素材,為了素材我找了許多水族館。 Q: What was the most difficult tasks in this aquascaping? A: It was hard to find woods with different thicknesses, because I had planned the sketch. I visited many local fish stores to seek appropriate materials. |
問: 在最初步驟的任何時刻中,如果覺得結果不好,會不會移除硬體? 答: 會。畢竟我只是業餘的水草愛好者,很難一次到位,初期修正對我而言是很有幫助的,而在多次的修正中慢慢累積經驗。 Q: In any moment in the initial steps you moved the solids as you were not convinced with the result? A: Yes. After all I was only an amateur aquascaper, not capable of getting everything done at a time. The adjustments in the early stages helped me a lot, I became more experienced in the revision process. |
2010 IAPLC # 42。
問: 你會對設缸做定期拍照追蹤嗎?攝影對你能否對水族缸發展能否有清晰印象有幫助嗎? 答: 有的,我每 2 週會拍照一次,再到電腦上觀察,對整體構圖幫助很大。 | Q: Have you done a regular photo-follow-up of the set-up? Do photography help you to have a clearer image of the development of the aquarium? A: Yes, I took pictures every 2 weeks, and viewed them on the computer. It was helpful to fine-tune the layout. |
問: 對於最後的完成圖,你用的是哪種照相器材和技術? 答: 我使用一台 CANON 450D 單眼相機,與18-55 的標準鏡頭,同時我自己 DIY 燈箱,用兩盞棚燈來拍照。 | Q: What kind of photographic material and technique you used for the finish picture? A: I used a Cannon 450D DSLR camera with 18-55 mm lens, two studio lamps and a DIY softbox. |
2011 IAPLC # 53。
問: 你會為了最後完成圖增加或移除觀賞魚嗎? 答: 不會,因為這於缸平時就放在我家營業的場所,每天都會有人來觀賞,觀賞魚更是觀賞的重點,所以我只要水草穩定後就會放魚,增添平時觀賞的樂趣。 | Q: Have you added or removed any fish for the final picture? A: No, the tank was placed on my business office, where a lot of people viewed the tank every day, and the ornamental fish were always the main focus. I added fish as soon as the plants were growing healthy, because the fish are full of fun. |
問: 一旦完成造景並拍攝最終照片了,你覺得在設缸時有哪些可以改進的嗎? 答: 沒有,因為我已經準備好才拍照。 | Q: Once you finished the scape and after the final picture, what do you think could be improved on the set-up? A: No, because I took the picture after the aquascape was well prepared. |
2012 IAPLC 頒獎大合照。
問: 在這個造景上你有用過任何 Photoshop 的技巧嗎?你認為影像編輯在比賽中是可以接受的嗎?如果有的話,你的修正程度如何? 答: 沒有。影像編輯不能無中生有,所以我不接受。我只用CANON 附的軟體來做裁切與曝光亮度,檔案大小的調整。 | Q: Have you used any kind of Photoshop for this scape? Do you think image edition should be acceptable in the contests? Which limits would you fix for this, if any? A: No. No object should be added in the image, I don't think that modified pictures are acceptable. I used the software of the Cannon camera to cut the image, to tune the brightness, and to resize the picture. |
問: 如果我們分析最近幾次比賽的結果和水族造景的趨勢。 你認為是否錯失了真正"自然風水族造景"的本質? 答: 這個問題見仁見智,水族缸本身就是一個人造的環境,自然風水族造景,也會因不同國家的風俗民情而有所不同,所以我認為只要水草缸裡面的與魚和水草生態完整健康, 沒有刻意人工的東西添加在造景中,新的創意與模仿大自然的造景都是可以接受的。 | Q: If we analyze the results of recent competitions and the trend of the aquascapes. Do not you think they were missing the essence of authentic "Nature Aquarium"? A: It depends. An aquarium itself is an artificial environment, the concept of natural style aquascapings varies due to different cultural backgrounds. In my opinion, if both the critters and the plants in the planted tanks remain healthy, and no figures or statues are added to the aquascapes, either innovations or mimicking landscapes are acceptable. |
同時榮獲美國 2012 AGA 水草造景大賽 320 公升組的榮譽獎。
問: 我很榮幸有機會訪問你, 你還有想補充的嗎? 答: 其實我接觸水草大概有15年以上了,剛開始,有關水草資訊很少,我為了要把水草種好,我一下班就到水族館報到,跟老闆與同好在泡茶聊天中學習水草的知識,把水草種漂亮健康,當年與我一起玩水草的老闆與同好,後來都離開水族界,我也就一直停留在種水草的階段,直到我開始接觸網際網路,讓我看到了 ADA 造景比賽的照片,也看到世界各國對水草造景的日新月異,才讓我重新對水草造景有新的認識與目標。 於是我從 2008 年正式參加 ADA 的造景比賽(IAPLC),當時的作品很生疏,但是這幾年參加比賽的過程,讓我對水草造景的經驗不斷累積,直到今年獲得到 ADA 的銀賞,與美國 AGA的榮譽獎。 感謝我家人對我這項興趣的支持與包容,才能讓我持續在在水族造景上努力,同時也感謝台灣水舞團隊的前輩,對我在在水草造景上的指導與協助,謝謝他們。 | Q: It was a pleasure for me to have the chance to interview you, would you like to add anything else? A: I have been growing aquatic plants for more than 15 years. At the beginning, the information of aquatic plants were so lacking, I frequented the local fish stores after work, in order to learn how to grow plants from the owners of the local fish stores and also from other hobbyists. Unfortunately, most of them abandoned this hobby later, and my knowledge of aquatic plants thus stagnated. Until one day as I searched the internet, I saw some pictures of IAPLC entries, and became aware of the rapid changes in the aquascapings all over the world, I reconsidered the aquascapes and found my goals. I have participated the IAPLC since 2008, but I was a newbie at that time. As my experience increased, I eventually won the silver prize of the IAPLC 2012 and the honorable mention of the 2012 AGA aquascaping contest. I'd like to thank my family for their support and tolerance, thus I could keep working on aquascapes. I am extremely grateful to the members of Taiwan Aquatic Dancing Club for the valuable assistance. Thank you all. |
陳松儐(Chen Song Pin)先生近照。